Soul Constellations® for Kinesiologists
Every soul is a unique tapestry of journeys across lifetimes.
Join Bianca Jewell and the Creatrix Sharon Bolt for a full day of Soul Constellations®
Saturday 12th October 2024

Soul connection is not generally encouraged in our society yet for true healing to occur, the Soul must be anchored in the human body. A soulful life is a more fulfilling experience despite the challenges we invariably face as part of the human experience.
Soul Constellations® aims to bring remedy and resolve to our soul’s journey and all aspects of our spiritual work. This work is true soul healing, incorporating karmic clearing and timeline reconciliation.
Soul Constellations® is based on Family Constellations with a focus on the spiritual aspects of our journey. Every soul has a different journey on this planet, but they all have one thing in common – the soul wants to achieve its mission during this incarnation.
These soul experiences transform people at the deepest levels. After Soul Constellations® work people report feeling on purpose, completely transformed and generally happier in life.

“Soul connection equals true spiritual power”
Sharon Bolt - Creatrix
As Kinesiology practitioners we can often find ourselves journeying along the path of the wounded healer, we have our own wounds that we need to recognise and heal so that we can fulfill our own soul’s desire to be successful Kinesiology practitioners and create a thriving business.
It is often our own wounds and blocks that are the barriers to creating a successful and thriving Kinesiology business. Soul Constellations® allows us to see what needs to change within us, it is not merely more knowledge, courses or workshops that will propel you forward. Spending a day within the powerful unity consciousness template of The White Dragon Lineage® to receive a unique view on your soul’s experience and perspective is the catalyst for profound healing.
This is a specialised day specifically crafted for Kinesiologists by the Soul Constellations® creatrix Sharon Bolt and supported by Bianca Jewell, a Master Kinesiology practitioner and owner of The School of Elemental Kinesiology®
Are you ready to lovingly release doubt or fear and allow the highest frequency of your soul to anchor into your heart so that your true medicine of creating a successful Kinesiology clinic can come to fruition?

Meet the Creatrix and Facilitators
Join us for a full day of Soul Constellations® for Kinesiologists with Sharon Bolt, the creatrix of Soul Constellations® and Owner of The Temple of Shamanic Magick® and Bianca Jewell, Owner of The School of Elemental Kinesiology® and an accredited Soul Constellations® facilitator.
Sharon Bolt
Soul Constellations® - Creatrix
Bianca Jewell
Soul Constellations® - Facilitator
Soul Constellations for Kinesiologists Testimonials
Details & Investment:
Pre requisite: This is a Kinesiology business focus day meaning you have completed your Kinesiology studies and are currently operating or launching a Kinesiology business.
WHEN: Saturday 12th October
WHERE: North Balwyn. The address will be provided after you have signed up.
Your Investment
There are 2 options for payment:
Full price: $350.00 AUD
Instalments: Deposit of $150.00 with a $200.00 second instalment