About Bianca
Bianca’s Story
Over 25 years ago a single Kinesiology session was the catalyst to turn my life around. I was feeling lost and without direction, not knowing who I was I had developed unhealthy coping mechanisms to suppress my emotions and my complex post traumatic stress. I was living a surface existence disconnected to my soul and disembodied, I was searching for love and connection which lead to trauma bonding on many levels with others,
I’ve been there. I know what it is like to feel lost, disconnected and with no clear path ahead of you that feels aligned or supportive of what you are truly capable of achieving.
Walking a soul aligned path requires courage and a practitioner that can help you find what may be your blocks that are inhibiting you living the life you desire.
I passionately embarked on studying kinesiology – the modality that changed my life 16 years ago. The study I undertook started with being a 1st year student and continued all the way to becoming a 4 year qualified Master Kinesiopractor® and I am now the Owner and Principal of The School of Elemental Kinesiology® where I teach the full 4 year PKP Kinesiology modality.
My nearly two decade long career of empowering others both as individuals and as kinesiology students and practitioners is what I am truly passionate about.
Now I have been running my kinesiology business for over 15 years and have a passion for learning as much as possible about human emotions and behaviour. I have gone on to study other modalities that complement kinesiology including Total Body Modification (TBM) 1, 2 & 3, Eating & Nutrition Psychology, Spirit Weaving®, Shamanic Magician® Training, Soul Constellations®, Ceremonial & Sacred Space Holding, Metaphysical Anatomy, Quantum Neurology and Applied Glands & Hormones.
I look forward to working with you and seeing you embark on your life-changing journey.
Bianca x
We all want to live a balanced, happy and loving life.
Inspiration and momentum comes from being in the state of flow.
There are some principles that I stand by both in my work with you as a client, student and workshop participant, and my own approach to life. I hold these very close to my heart and they are at the core of my personal and professional work.
I am passionate about empowering you, bringing you to a higher awareness of the factors that inhibit you from being your best possible self. With empathy and understanding, I bring you to a place of choice, enabling you to live a full, happy and successful life.
My role is to assist you by bringing you into alignment with your true and authentic self. I facilitate and guide you so you can identify the belief systems, programs, behaviours, wounds, sabotages and blocks that hold you back from being in alignment on all levels.
I show you how doing what you love allows you to give 100% and keep you excited while doing it. When you find your soul purpose, you can use your passion to propel you through life, navigating all its challenges.
What we see for ourselves is what we will manifest in life. This is the law of attraction. But action is key and determination is paramount. I promote having a clear vision, a goal and going for it.
I propel myself beyond my comfort zone so that I grow and expand as a person. This includes my passion for constant learning and updating my skills so that I can deliver the best possible version of myself.
I ensure that I surround myself with the my tribes and soul family who are a constant support and provide a mirror for me so that I can become the best possible version of myself.

My qualifications, training and experience
- ICPKP (International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice) Professional Teacher Faculty Training Level 3 FAC3 – 2019
- ICPKP Senior Teacher Faculty Training Level 2 FAC2 – 2015
- ICPKP Teacher Faculty Training Level 1 FAC1– 2012
- Post Graduate Degree in Kinesiopractic - 4 years total (PKP Kinesiology) – 2013
- International Diploma in Kinesiology (PKP Kinesiology) – 2012
- Diploma in Kinesiology (PKP Kinesiology) – 2010
- Certificate IV in Kinesiology (PKP Kinesiology) – 2008
- Total Body Modification (TBM) - Module 1 (Dr Kevin Millet) – 2015
- Total Body Modification (TBM) – Module 2 (Dr Kevin Millet) – 2015
- Total Body Modification (TBM) – Module 3 (Mr Ed Faust) – 2017
- Institute for the Psychology of Eating – Practitioner Training – 12 months - 2017
- Institute for the Psychology of Eating – Transform Your Relationship with Food - 2017
- Kinesiology Advanced Techniques & Formatting Procedures – Kinesiology Connection – 2016
- Advanced Hormones & Glands – Kinesiology Connection - 2016
- Quantum Neurology – Kinesiology Connection - 2016
- ICPKP – K-Power Stress Release Made Easy - 2015
My experience in sacred space holding and the magickal arts is a culmination of many experiential years of learning, integrating, assisting and facilitating.
I have attended many years of Shamanic Magician® Practitioner training and I am a Ceremonial initiate of The White Dragon Lineage®. I receive ongoing mentoring with Sharon Bolt and The Temple of Shamanic Magick®
I have trained with the school of Shamanic Energy Training (SET) and The Temple of Shamanic Magick (TTOSM) for over 7+ years and am honoured to be a teacher of the lineage and of the sacred teachings.
- The Dragon Kingdom (TTOSM)
- The Kingdoms of Light: Crystal Kingdom (TTOSM)
- The Kingdoms of Light: Tree Kingdom (TTOSM)
- Soul Constellations® Facilitator and Teacher Training - Sharon Bolt
- Spirit Weaver 9 month Training (SET)
- Womb Weaver - Sharon Bolt
– Dragon Detox (TTOSM)
– Online Spiritual Cleanliness (TTOSM)
– The Wheel of Ascension (1 year) (TTOSM)
- The Empress & The Dragon – Heart of the Rose – Sharon Bolt
- Galactic Coven (1 year Temple of Mythical Magick Mentoring)– Sharon Bolt
- The Empress and the Dragon – Obsidian Womb Alchemy - Sharon Bolt
- Sacred Space Weaver (8 day Bali Immersion) (SET)
- Spirit Animals (SET)
– The Kingdoms of Light: Plant Kingdom (TTOSM)
- Spirit Allies & Mythical Creatures (SET)
- Pendulum Dowsing – Sharon Bolt
- Drum Journey Training (SET)
– Rose & Tobacco (SET)
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