Kinesiology Sessions
Kinesiology Sessions
Kinesiology is a natural healing modality and it could be best described as a language that communicates directly to the body. Kinesiology combines modern day techniques with eastern wisdom and it recognises the importance of body, mind and spirit in health and healing. Kinesiology is based in the study of anatomy and physiology and works on the premise that the body has an innate healing energy and is always doing its best to take care of itself.
Kinesiology has developed into an effective tool for identifying the elements which inhibit the body’s natural healing processes. In today’s world we are constantly faced with challenging and stressful situations in our daily lives, stress can come in all different forms – physical, emotional, psychological, environmental, nutritional and chemical. Stress can also take its toll in less obvious ways such as intense physical exertion, an argument with a loved one, pressure at work, an unhappy relationship, a poor diet or injury / pain.
Kinesiology identifies the causative influences triggering health imbalances and emphasises health maintenance, by helping the body into a better position to heal itself it can help reduce stress and improve health and well being.
Kinesiology can also bring a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice such as – improving sport performance, enhancing relationships and learning, or just coping better with life generally. Kinesiology can have a significant impact on a wide range of personal and health issues. It allows you to achieve your optimum potential and can transform your well being. It can enrich your relationships, increase self confidence and vitality and lead you to living a full, happy and successful life.
Inner Child Wounds and Addictions
I am passionate about helping, creating understanding and assisting clients become trauma informed, especially with their childhood wounds.
When we are able to understand, have awareness and self compassion we can begin to heal these wounds with curiosity and compassion.
Common inner child wounds can be abandonment, rejection, mother and father wounds, betrayal, neglect, mistrust, defectiveness, subjugation, enmeshment and an underdeveloped self.
Addictions can be formed from our inability to adapt to our surroundings when growing up, we develop a ‘life raft’ as a way to feel safe and create a sense of control and stability. Even though we may have created a safe and loving environment as an adult, it can be less than easy to let go of the life raft that our younger self created.
This can look like food addiction, binge eating, chronic dieting, poor body image as well as addictions with drugs, alcohol and excessive exercise.
Master Practitioner
The sessions I facilitate are always varied, unique and focused on individual needs. No two sessions for any client are the same. After studying Kinesiology for 5 years full time my toolbox consists of a plethora of techniques that include, but not limited to, coping mechanisms, sub personalities, life path healing, sabotage programmes, personology, physiognomy, habits, addictions, co-dependence, wounds and triggers, surrogation and pain behaviours.
Wounds, trauma, soul and spiritual disconnection, inner child healing, attachment theory and nervous system and adrenal regulation is what I specialise in. I have had 16 years experience that has enabled me to develop into a Master Kinesiology practitioner that now facilitates sessions in a unique and all encompassing way in order to get to the root cause of the issue.
How does Kinesiology work?
The brain and nervous system hold all the information about your entire body and mind including how and why energy imbalances occur. The body never forgets. We ‘file’ all of our past experiences, emotions, stresses, fears and unfulfilled expectations in our mind and body.
Kinesiology is able to access these ‘files’ and although we are unable to change what happened in the past, we can assist with how it may be affecting you now and potentially in the future. Drawing on Chinese philosophies, Kinesiology has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow and recognises the integral relationship between the flow of energy in a meridian and its related muscles, organs, tissues and emotions. These energy flows can be evaluated by ‘muscle monitoring’ which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of balance.
As a result of unresolved stress as mentioned above, the energy flow is interrupted and the whole body is affected. These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of the muscles which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of physical / structural, chemical, nutritional and emotional balance.
What techniques are used in Kinesiology?
Kinesiology has a significant impact on a wide range of health and well being issues. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, food, chemicals, stress and our environment all influence our overall energy, health and well being.
Kinesiology uses natural remedies to diffuse stress and bring the body back into a state of balance. Aromatherapy, flower essences, gem essences, acupressure, nutritional support as well as over 500 simple yet specific correction techniques are all used to clear stress in the body’s energy systems.

Consultation Investment
Your consultation
A full health and well-being history will be obtained at your initial consultation and I will also answer any questions that you may have. The number of visits required will depend upon the reason you have come for a consultation.
Cancellation Policy
Please provide 24 hours notice if you are unable to make a scheduled appointment. I can then allocate this time to another client so that they are able to benefit from a session. Failure to notify me by phone or email will result in the full cost of the scheduled appointment being charged.
What to expect in a session
Kinesiology recognises that every person is unique and so there are no “one size fits all” solutions and no two sessions are ever the same. Each individual is treated in the way that best suits his or her needs at the time. A Kinesiology consultation is called a ‘balance’. The balance will take 1 hour and the session is conducted lying down on a massage table. You remain fully clothed.
When muscle testing is being conducted to identify stress and imbalances in the body’s energy, the kinesiologist will place your arms, feet, legs and hands in certain testing positions. Muscle testing can also be conducted sitting or standing if preferred. Bianca provides a safe, nurturing and non judgmental environment and all sessions are 100% confidential.
What to wear in a session
I recommend wearing loose comfortable clothing and you will remain fully clothed for the entirety of the session, although you will be asked to remove your shoes before lying down on the massage table. I highly recommend that women wear long pants or shorts instead of skirts or dresses.
60mins - $240.00
Client Love