Diploma of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies
This is the Diploma for those who want to assist clients struggling to comprehend and perform in their studies, or the ageing whose neurological performance is decreasing.
You will understand yourself better, your reactions on autopilot under stress and your individual aptitudes. You will see how key facial features show your talents and strengths, your constitutional health challenges and what personality traits you can develop in your life. You will learn to appreciate those strengths, understand challenges, how to get your needs met and also how to relate to others better through understanding their instinctual behaviour, strengths and challenges.
There are dozens of fascinating new tools to balance meridian energy, including from a 3-D perspective. You will ‘get’ what a body stance means; use reflexes from the toes to the ears; use iridology and essential oils. Experience the healing of flower images and essences, and the power of gems & crystals.
Explore homeopathic remedies, tissue salts, clearing chakras and auras, and using other vibrational and metaphysical techniques.

“The difference between impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination”
Course - Learning, Metaphysical, Vibrational & Holographic Energies
Begins on 12th & 13th July 2025
Duration: 13 x 2 Day Workshops.
Offered as weekend classes.
International Certificate of Professional Kinesiology Practice (Foundation Principles).
This Qualification includes the following modules, full details are contained below:
Elements of Learning:
Personology: definition and history
Forehead: sloping/vertical
Face shape: longer, narrower/broader, squarer
Jaw width: narrower/wider
Eyes – stress: glazed, one eye up, both eyes rolled up
Eye position: closer/wider set
Eyebrow position: lower, straighter/higher, rounder
Nose – bridge: scooped/convex
Physiognomy: history and principles (Asian -Chinese, Japanese)
Face shapes – 5-El: personality, potential and health indications
Forehead styles (6): personality, potential and health indications
Jaw shapes (6): personality, potential and health indications
Eye styles (16): personality, potential and health indications
Eyebrow shapes (19): personality, potential and health indications
Nose traits (17): personality, potential and health indications
Introduction to NLP: (Neurolinguistic programming) eye positions
The language of: Visuals, Auditories and Kinesthetics
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
As you further examine personology and physiognomy and develop the skills to understand ourselves and others better you will become adept at analysing the innate style of the client, understanding what is likely to stress them, the body language they will exhibit under stress and how to communicate most effectively with them.
You will discover traits behind mouth shape, skin texture, leg length, chin and ear placement in both personality and possible health implications. This knowledge will enable better client practitioner interaction as you will be able to adjust the consultation style to suit the needs of the client and help to defuse energy imbalance related to stress associated with client instinctual behaviour patterns.
By understanding how a client is likely to function from the unique characteristics in their structure, you will more easily shape the session and the manner in which you communicate with them to help the client process energy shifts in a way that works best for their unique personality traits. This knowledge will also enable you to offer the client an awareness of their unique characteristics and a range of options they might choose when they need to take care of themselves.
Having completed this unit you will be have greater facility in releasing negative energy related to comparative cell proportions and resultant instinctive behaviour using both Personology and Physiognomy
Elements of learning:
Upper lip: thinner/fuller
Lower lip: thinner/fuller
Skin texture: thinner/coarser
Leg length: shorter/longer
Nostrils: narrow/flared
Eyelids: covered/exposed
Ear placement: more forward/further back
Forehead ridge: none/noticeable
Chin in profile: receding/protruding
Mouth shapes: personality, potential and health indications
Lip – thickness/colour personality, potential and health indications
Nostrils – physiognomy personality, potential and health indications
Ears personality, potential and health indications
Cheekbones personality, potential and health indications
Philtrum personality, potential and health indications
Yin/Yang face and body types personality, potential and health indications
Health signs from the face personality, potential and health indications
Lines on the face personality, potential and health indications
Skin and hair personality, potential and health indications
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
This class adds to your previous acupuncture knowledge with more in-depth applications of techniques using acu-point processes e.g. polarised acupuncture. Using the ‘Now and Then’ technique, you will gain the ability to deal with jet-lag and to teach clients how to adjust the body clock to cope with night-shift work. It also brings to the surface problems that are time-related and would not normally show during a consultation.
You will discover acupuncture points on the nose, ear and tongue and the associated points of the bladder meridian where chronic pain imbalances eventually show. The work of Japanese researcher Nakatani is covered and adapts his Ryodoraku work to PKP. You will explore how to use an acu-point to surrogate for a complex PKP circuit and how to use acu-points to clear out intense, but inappropriate, relationship responses.
Once you have completed this unit will be able to use integrated movement and meridian postures, now and then technique, associated points, nose, ear, tongue, polarised or lost acupuncture points, biochemical attraction-repulsion, navel-bladder meridian connection, essential oil stimulation, Nakatani-Ryodoraku points and the surrogate electrical concept to balance meridian energy.
Elements of Learning:
Integrated movement – St #7b
Polarised acupuncture – two-point to eyes
‘Now and then’ technique – El #2c
Associated points – El #2c
Navel-bladder meridian connection – El #31/2b
Nose/tongue acupuncture points – S/F #6d
Ear acupuncture points – El #61/2c
Lost (inactive) acupuncture points – El #51/2
Frozen circuitry – Se #6c-d
Essential oil stimulation (aromatherapy) – El #10a-c
Nakatani-Ryodoraku points – El #111/2
Meridian postures – S/F #9c
Surrogate electrical – 5th finger to palm
Biochemical attraction/repulsion – PE #10b
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
The holographic representations of foot, hand and face reflexology come under scrutiny in this unit and you will investigate the ancient art of cheirology as an indicator of possibilities in life. You will also cover iridology following the two major schools: Jensen’s approach looking at organ function and inflammatory changes, the Rayid approach looking at life patterns and relationships. You will explore both these options from a PKP perspective.
The holographic awareness of muscles, organs and whole body image are discussed and you will learn various energy balancing techniques to defuse stress in this respect. Distortions in face, body and even toe shape are explored and de-stressed. You will be taught to use an holistic awareness of the holographic nature of trauma memory to defuse complex trauma memories that continue to haunt clients who have followed more traditional approaches.
Finally, the Chinese understanding of yin and yang is explored and applied in relation to the processing of self-awareness, self-discipline, self-exposure, or self-motivation.
Once you have completed this unit you will be able to use holographic reflexes (foot, hand, palm, face, ear), holographic perceptions of muscles and organs, memory and emotional patterns; and the PKP approaches to iridology.
Elements of Learning:
Holographic reflexes foot (foot reflexology) – SF #61/2b, e
Holographic reflexes hand & palm (hand reflexology & cheirology) – SF #7a,b,d,e
Holographic reflexes face – SF #6b
Holographic perceptions of muscles – Sp #14a
Holographic perception of organs – Sp #14b
Holographic memory patterns / awareness – Sp #13c-d
Holographic whole body – Sp #14c
Yin-yang processing – Sp #6c + f
Iridology – holographic eye patterns – SF #71/2b, e
Emotions on the body – SF #81/2d
Emotions on the face – SF #81/2e
Emotions on the feet – SF #81/2f
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
This first of 3 units dedicated to vibrational energy and metaphysical issues begins with an exploration of flower essences, gaining insights relating to their properties and their photographic images. The aim is to develop skill and understanding in using PKP techniques to correct energy imbalance using the vibrational energy of healing remedies.
PKP recognises that we are quantum bodies subject to the laws of quantum physics. Newtonian physics simply cannot explain many of the phenomena that occur in our bodies, as more and more researchers are proving. This unit covers training about things that resonate with our body energies or our personhood. You will learn to identify attitudes which create neuropeptides that harm us and through that knowledge, deliberately choose to harness the vibrational energies that bring about healing.
Once you have completed this unit will be able to identify, prepare and utilise several ranges of flower essences, discover insights relating to their properties and photographic images and be able to utilise them in re-balancing mental, emotional and spiritual energy. The NZ New Perception flower remedies and the Bach flower remedies are covered in detail
Elements of Learning:
Flower essence therapy
NZ New Perception™ Flower Essences
From complexity to simplicity – the NZ New Perception™ Photocards
ICPKP photo card balancing protocol
Eight class balancing exercises with the photo cards
NZ New Perception™ Flower Essences numerically & alphabetically
Properties of the NZ New Perception™ Flower Essences
Affirmations for the NZ New Perception™ Flower Essences
Basic concepts of flower essence therapy
Is there a place for new essences?
Co-operation with nature
Esoteric understanding
Emotional repertory
Client and practitioner relationships at work
History of flower essences
Bach Flower Remedies
Bach’s seven personality types
Flower essence finger mode, balance and remedy preparation – Em #12
Nose Bach flower points – S/F #6e
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
PKP techniques utilise gems, gem essences and other vibrational energy fields to correct body energy imbalances. You will discover the ancient wisdom in techniques such as the Tibetan spiral energy process and be able to use gemstone energy fields, affirmations and chakra essences to balance client body energy.
The unit covers homeopathic awareness (the history and underpinning theory of disease and remedies) and tissue salts (nutritional biochemistry) to add to your repertoire of vibrational tools for balancing inheritance factors and other tendencies.
You will also cover modern disciplines like chrono-biology dealing with pineal function and use ‘focussing’ and ‘third eye’ work in relation to chakra and pineal energies.
Once you have completed this unit you will have the necessary skill set to use the vibrational energy of gems and their essences, tissue salts, homeopathic frequencies, spiral energy techniques and third eye beaming in re-balancing energy disturbances related to miasmic and other tendencies.
Elements of Learning:
Inheritance factors – PE #13a
Homeopathic awarenesses – Em #13b
Tissue/cell salts – Em #13c
Third eye beaming – Sp #7c
Spiral energy – St #71/2c
Crystals and gems – Special mode
Some gem affirmations and properties
Chakra gemstones and properties
Gem/jewel essences – Em #121/2
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
This third unit on vibrational energy helps you develop the skills and understanding in using PKP techniques to correct imbalance in metaphysical energy including the chakra system, auric fields and body polarity energy.
The phenomenon of chakras and auras is outside the scope of Newtonian physics, however modern science now agrees that in addition to having a physical structure, humans are also composed of dynamic energy fields.
In this unit we consider the hypothesis that imbalance or blocks to the flow in these metaphysical energy fields may distort our perceptions and feeling and lead eventually to the development of disease processes. Additionally we re-visit neurological disorganisation, where a person’s ability to learn and function fully, is affected by confusion in body polarity as well as physical issues such as leg length.
Once you have completed this unit will have the sensitivity and skills to balance the 7 major chakras (nerve plexi) bringing forth insights from both ancient wisdom and modern awareness and balance the auric fields (layers of the ‘body bubble’) in terms of personal space or complex interactive energy patterns. Furthermore, you will be able to work with the right- left polarity process for improved function and access and balance the pre-natal time map by applying the metamorphic technique.
Elements of Learning:
Chakras (nerve plexi) – St #10
Reactive chakras – R-St #10
Auric fields – El #5a
Reactive auric fields – R-El #5a
Metamorphic technique – Em #61/2b
Right-left polarity – Finger-tips to palm, thumb out
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
In this section of study we begin to examine and address learning disabilities and dyslexias and work towards helping clients upgrade performance at work, school or other area in an integrated whole. You will develop skill using many PKP techniques to correct energy imbalance related to neurological blind-spots caused by fear, pain and self-doubt.
Learning blocks in their various forms cause stress and embarrassment for many people who then do not achieve their full potential. You will become versed in many practical aids to increase ability, improve behaviour and garner more confidence in new learning situations. These skills are helpful not only for children but also for adults who are confronted with the need to up-skill or who have performance pressures and issues of self-esteem.
Once you have completed this unit you will be able to evaluate energy imbalances related to learning: including centering mechanism dysfunction (cloacal, hyoid and gait reflexes), Cook’s technique, cranial imbalance, issues with the TMJ, fixations, CIA release, lazy 8s, alphabet/numbers, vision education, navel-glabella/frontal eminence/mastoid process, movement/ activities and specific exercises, poly/meta-integration, homolateral repatterning, muscle re-education and brain nutrition.
You will also be able to utilize the PIB Learning Evaluation Guide and PKP performance balancing protocol.
Elements of Learning:
History and introduction
Centering mechanism – cloacals, hyoid, gaits – El #2a
Cook’s technique and tour – Em #3a, 3b
Qi-Gong – hand balls. – El #71/2b
Cranials – TMJ – St #1a, 1c
Fixations – light on glabella – St #11/2b
CIA – common integrative area – St #7c
Lazy 8, alphabet, numbers – El #71/2c
Vision education – Goodrich, Halloren, Stokes, Dennison, Gralton – El #6a, 6c
Navel-glabella / frontal eminences / mastoid process – Em #21/2a, 21/2b
Movement, activities, exercises / Brain Gym™ – St #7a
Poly-integration, meta-integration, homolateral repatterning – St #61/2b, 61/2c
Muscle re-education (Edu-K muscle lengthening) – St #71/2a
Applying prior learning – crosscrawl, auriculars, visuals, switching, dehydration, ESR, lung 9.6, body scan, figure-8s, body polarity
Brain nutrition – CL glabella – PE #12 + glabella
Stress words – lifestyle, language intention change – PE #61/2b
Stress statement, conflicts and reversals – Em#31/2b, 51/2b, 51/2c
Evaluation checklist – behavioural and integration, Quick Check list
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP™ Balancing Protocol
To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques related to how the healthy brain works, how to keep it healthy and what happens when brain function is diseased or dysfunctional.
You will gain an awareness of brain architecture and the geography of thought, emotional and visual pathways and gain understanding of key neurotransmitters and their roles. You will also study the biological basis for memory, the types and aspects of long and short term memory and gain an awareness of how memory is affected by ageing, head injury and disease.
The unit also covers the differences between male and female brains and the brain cell membrane psychology. Throughout this unit you will learn PKP techniques to enhance memory function and deal with stress that impacts brain cells in both the short and longer term.
As you complete this unit you will be able to discuss brain structure and function, assess various brain functions and balance for enhanced neurological performance, brain function in aging, memory loss, stress burnout, stroke recovery and upgrade brain function.
Elements of learning:
The nervous system
The brain
Visual and emotional pathways
Improving memory
Stress and brain function
Memory loss
Brain longevity programme
Male / female brain differences
Enhanced neurological performance – Sp #9a
Left – right hemisphere balancing – regional balance
Corpus callosum integration – regional balance
CIA front / backbrain integration – regional balance – St #7c
Overall brain energy performance – regional balance
Specific dyslexia area stacking – regional balance
Brain / cell membrane psychology
Pre-testing areas and functions of the brain
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
You will gain an awareness of brain architecture and the geography of thought, emotional and visual pathways and gain understanding of key neurotransmitters and their roles. You will also study the biological basis for memory, the types and aspects of long and short term memory and gain an awareness of how memory is affected by ageing, head injury and disease.
The unit also covers the differences between male and female brains and the brain cell membrane psychology. Throughout this unit you will learn PKP techniques to enhance memory function and deal with stress that impacts brain cells in both the short and longer term.
As you complete this unit you will be able to discuss brain structure and function, assess various brain functions and balance for enhanced neurological performance, brain function in aging, memory loss, stress burnout, stroke recovery and upgrade brain function.
Elements of learning:
Type A, B and C behaviours – Se #2b
Personality, stress and illness – Se #2b
Dempcy, Tihista stress personalities – Se #2b
Myers Briggs personality preferences – Se #2b
Enneagrams and emotions – Se #2b
Littauer – the four personalities – Se #2b
Airey sub-personalities – Se #61/2e-f
Luscher color profile – review from EMS 2.305 – Em #5c
Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocoltem description
Elements of Learning:
What is stress?
Dr. Selye’s three stages of stress
Warning signs of stress
How the body responds to stresss
The Holmes-Rahe life-event test
What is Emotional stress release (ESR)?
Doing Emotional stress release (ESR)
Whole Body Testing
Accurate Muscle (clear circuit) Testing
Emotional balancing with affirmations
Alarm points – diagrams
Meridians & emotions – positive and negative
Using affirmations with muscle testing
General stress syndrome
Breathing and stress management
Exercise and stress management
Nutrition and stress management
Food supplements and stress management
Long-term stress management
Humour and stress management
Elements of Learning:
The Essence of Epigenetics
The Basics of Epigenetics
Taking Control of your Epigenetic Modulation: The Balancing Process overview
Lists of Common Universal Fears, Job Stresses and Relationship Issues
Whole Body Self-Testing
Accurate Muscle Testing – using Anterior Deltoid – when working with another
General Circulation of Energy Wheel
Meridian Emotions (negative & positive)
ICPKP’s Five Element Emotion Chart
Resilience Cycle & Stress Tolerance points (also known as NEs)
Vesuvius Cycle & Tension Release valves (also known as Accumulation points)
Self-soothing Cycle & Soothing and Calming reflexes (also known as NVs)
Lymphatic Flush Cycle & Muscle Pain Release & Energy Boost points (also known as NLs)
Chi (chee) Meridian Cycle & Meridian Tracing
Elements of Learning:
Learn Tibetan energy skills
Figure 8 energy flow – overview
Whole Body – Self-testing
Accurate muscle testing
Overall Figure 8 energy test (fuzzy glove)
The four large figure 8s
The twelve smaller figure 8s
The two small 8s on the top of the head and the soles of the feet:
Figure 8s at other sites
Whole body 8s for learning disorders
The healing effect of sound
Spiral energy flow above the head
The spinning vortices
The Five Tibetan Vitality Exercises
Origin of the Five Tibetan Rites; The Scientific Evidence
Nutrition for energy, stamina and vitality, and the McGovern Report
Supplements for energy, stamina and vitality
Tibetan meridian activation
Taken with an external provider for an additional cost.
Your Investment
The full course fee is $9,660.
There are two methods of payment:
Pay the course fee in full. Requires a deposit of $4,830 to be paid upon enrolment and the remainder of $4,830 payable 1 month later.
Pay the course in instalments. This requires a $1,410 deposit to be paid upon enrolment with 11 monthly instalments of $750 payable each month.
Specialised payment plan. A specialised payment plan can be arranged with Bianca at a fee of $150.00
Course Payment Adjustment: If you have completed any of the Diploma units then the full price of the Diploma will be adjusted accordingly.
Yes, you must have successfully passed the International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice which is the first 12 months of PKP training encompassing the Foundational principles of PKP.
Yes absolutely. Some of the units that are included in the Diploma of LMVH are also contained in the previous legacy structure of PKP, such as the International Diploma of Kinesiology, so you will be credited for those units you have attended and received competency for.
All units are taught face to face with the capability to move studies partially online if needed.
All class notes, assessment journals and extra resources are provided online via the ICPKP app which has been specifically designed for easy access and learning.
Each unit contains a set of class notes and a SAJ (Student Assessment Journal) which needs to be completed. There is a short online multiple-choice test after every unit which is open book and a practical assessment at the end of the course which you will facilitate on a fellow student.
We highly encourage students to attend all classes as the syllabus is a follow-on modality which means that you will continue working with the previous learned techniques as part of the next module.
We also understand that life events happen so a private tutorial would need to be arranged in order for you to catch up at the students expense..
Classes are not scheduled on public holidays, long weekends and school holidays to ensure that you are available to attend all units.
You will need an iPad as the course curriculum is delivered via the ICPKP app.
The School of Elemental Kinesiology is a school born from over 16 years as an advanced and specialised practitioner, 12 years as a senior Kinesiology teacher, FAC3 PKP certified, as well as many years of personal self-development, trauma healing, attachment therapy and continuous learning and studying.
Bianca is a qualified Kinesiopractor® after completing the full 4-year PKP syllabus. She then became a PKP teacher in 2012 and has taught thousands of students the full 4 years of PKP Kinesiopractor® training.
Bianca is also a registered Clinic Supervisor and Mentor with the AKA (Aust.Kinesiology Association) and a registered Clinic Mentor with the AIK (Aust. Institute of Kinesiology). Bianca is also a certified Trainer & Assessor which is a requirement to teach a registered Diploma or Advanced Diploma qualification.
Bianca has also trained in TBM (Total Body Modification), Quantum Neurology, Advanced Glands & Hormones and is an initiated Shamanic Magician and Teacher with The White Dragon Lineage as part of Shamanic Energy Training after completing 6 years of full time study and she still receives ongoing mentoring.
Absolutely, you can contact me and I will organise a time to have a chat and answer any further questions you may have.
Please ensure that you have downloaded and read the course brochure first.