Reclaim your Spiritual Fire
Open to the Heavenly Waters of Creation

Starting on Tuesday 4th March 2025

Detox your mythical body 
- includes physical, mental, energetic, emotional and spiritual bodies.

The Blue Water Dragons of Lemuria and the Celtic Red Fire Dragons welcome you to Dragon Detox – a metaphysical detox experience. This transformational online journey is supported by Ming Herbs Basic Cleanse pack.

This programme is fully sovereign, you choose what to consume or not consume and how deep you want to go.
The dietary plan and supplements are optional.

This 28 day online journey is a powerful initiation into cleansing your inner waters and your heart chambers so that you can be more of your Authentic Self and in true service to your Divine Path.

The focus will be on ritual magick, group meditations and cleansing journeys. 

By balancing the Blue and Red dragons within, we will work on restructuring your physical and subtle bodies as well as balancing your inner masculine and feminine.

This is a multi-layered and magickal detox programme.  It is a transformational training, inner journey and supported detox process unlike any other. Your mythical body awaits! 

The Programme includes:

✬ Opening and Closing Rituals

✬ Shamanic elemental teachings including:

  • The inner alchemy journey

  • Spiritual Nutrition

  • Healing ancestral nutritional wounds

  • Metaphysical Detox

  • Nutritional sovereignty

  • Brain balancing techniques

✬ Group Transmissions and Meditations

✬ Ritual magic homework with Fire and Water

✬ Warm and nourishing recipes for you to choose from

✬ A holy day Autumn Ceremony

How does it work?

This is a richly layered programme that has had profound effects on previous participants - you have the potential to change your relationship with food forever.

There will be 5 zoom calls in total - 1 call per week beginning on Tuesday 4th March 2025 at 6.30pm and the final call on Tuesday 1st April 2025

All calls are recorded and you will have access to them throughout the duration of the journey.

Optional Ming Herbs detox pack includes:

  • Colon cleanse x 2 (180 capsules)

  • Liver & Blood cleanse x 1 (90 capsules)

  • Kidney cleanse x 1 (90 capsules)

  • Lymph cleanse x 1 (90 capsules

  • Adrenal support x 1 (60 capsules)

Total Investment: $555.00.

Ming Herbs can be purchased separately for an additional $380.00 + postage

This work “Dragon Detox - Fire & Water” was created by Sharon Bolt , Owner and creator of The Temple of Shamanic Magick® and The White Dragon Lineage. Bianca Jewell is an accredited teacher and has full permission to lead this container and infuse it with her own magick and embodied experience.

With over 17+ years as a Master Kinesiology Practitioner and Principal and Owner of The School of Elemental Kinesiology, Bianca has extensive experience in space holding and facilitating energetic teachings. Bianca has been training as a Ceremonialist, Ritualist, Spirit Weaver and is a Practitioner of Soul Healing Arts with The White Dragon Lineage™ for the past 8 years.

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Rachel Leigh

“I wanted to express my gratitude for the Dragon Detox – Fire & Water I participated in. It has been such a powerful way to clear and purify my body mind and spirit and notice habits that are no longer serving me and create new habits to build and nourish my cells.

This container is so different to other ways of detoxing and it has really served me well.  It was so wonderful to have the support of a group and feel held along the way.

I had some powerful realisations and insights and beautiful synchronicities while in the container. Such a deep and beautiful way to finish the end of the year, clear and strong.

I look forward to joining the next Dragon Detox - Earth and Air. Thank you Bianca for holding us, for your wisdom, kindness and teachings, thank you to and thank you to the Spirits of the container and for the space that was co-created and held for us..”

Megan Ezzy

“Dragon Detox has been a time like no other. A nourishing, redefining experience of releasing stagnation and allowing greater connection to my body’s needs.

There was a deep focus on the physical aspects of this time, but I also felt the ripple effects to my other energy layers and my soul’s wants and desires. There was so much support to navigate this journey without strict rules which meant no rebellion or guilt, but just absolute honouring of my needs as my life holistically detoxed itself!

I finished the detox feeling so nourished and deeply grateful, connected to my body and thrilled to have redefined my daily habits, while gaining clarity on so much of my life. Highly recommend and would easily repeat this again and hope to.

Thank you so much to Bianca and the spirits of the container for your deep guidance, wisdom, and support. I’m so grateful I said yes! .”

Jo Bell Cummings

“I have recently completed another Dragon Detox, this is the 3rd time I have done this particular detox and each time I have experienced extraordinary shifts that have supported my mind, body and soul.

 My first experience of the Dragon Detox 2 years ago was a literal Detox of my physical vessel. The teachings and rituals created a huge shift in my approach to nourishment of the body which altered things on a cellular level.

 My second experience of the Dragon Detox was at a time when I had recently moved house and community. The detox purified my physical body, but the focus was very much on my emotional body. There was a lot of grief present at that time and a huge letting go of the past. The container supported me enormously throughout that transition.

 My experience this time of the Dragon Detox feels like a cleansing that's clearing out and shifting things at the level of my Soul. Whilst in this container I've allowed myself to be in a space of receptivity and be held and nourished on an energetic level - it's proven to be a medicine I've needed without realising. There has been a huge realignment, 'unwinding' and recalibration that has taken place. I feel energetically lighter and excited about the new (and surprising!) path that's unfolding.

 The Dragon Detox is so much more than a regular "detox programme" which in the past I've found restrictive and challenging. This particular Detox is gentle and nourishing and is a beautiful journey of physical, mental and emotional healing. This is self-love at its finest.

 Thank you Bianca and to the Spirits of the container for holding such a powerful space for inner alchemy.”

Arabella Rose Pert

“Recently rising out of the winter slump I had the opportunity to journey with Bianca as I was guided and supported through a 5 week Dragon Detox.

The focus was on detoxing the mythical body, which includes your mental, emotional, physical & energetic/spiritual body.

 I’m not really much of a cleanse or detox type person as I like to honour what my body needs & not be too rigid with my intake. Through this spirited container I got to connect with some deeper layers on habits with food such as cravings.

Within the journey I deepened my relationship to my cells, organs, the many systems & functions that support my health. It was fascinating understanding ‘how’ we eat & ‘what’ we eat can be linked to ancestral patterns & trauma. The practices, self inquiry & herbs supported an enlivening in my being.

My skin glowing, eyes clear, my mind with a new sense of clarity & I un-intentionally lost my winter fat. (All sizes are beautiful) I felt this journey helped the shadowy crust from winter shed with more ease.

 What I really enjoyed was being able to journey alongside others, together. That it wasn’t about just recipes & diet scheme to follow. We were given freedom to create what we liked & were encouraged to listen to what our body needed. Did I do it perfectly, no did I slip up, yes but there was no pressure at all to be the “best” or to foster guilt around this which made it more fluid & actually built more trust with my body.

We also used intention/prayer & ritual on a daily basis, for me this felt so natural. Of course detox is a sacred act & not something we just “DO!” So I thoroughly enjoyed this creative element to the journey.

For anyone looking for a spring cleanse I would absolutely recommend this. ”